Video: Manuel Matuzović – Color in CSS Or: How I Learned to Disrespect Tennis

We started releasing the talks of beyond tellerrand Berlin 2024. This one is the one that Manuel Matuzović gave on day two of the festival.

Color in CSS Or: How I Learned to Disrespect Tennis

Everybody’s talking about container queries, nesting, scroll-driven animation, and view transitions. In all the excitement for these new modules, one topic is a bit overlooked: color in CSS. Manuel Matuzović summarises all the new things we can do in CSS with color to create flexible, scalable, accessible, and user-friendly design systems.

Oh, and he talks about squash…

Manuel Matuzović presenting on stage at beyond tellerrand 2024. He has a smile in his face. The slide on the canvas in his back shows a tennis player from above and big capital letters say “SUCKS!”.
Manuel Matuzović at beyond tellerrand Berlin 2024. Photo by Florian Ziegler

More information about Manuel on his Speaker page