[…] beyond tellerrand is diverse yet focused, realistic but ambitious, both serious and funny—and you should go.
Kirby Meetups in Hamburg, Munich and Düsseldorf
Excited to see that users of Kirby run 3 Kirby Meetups within the next couple of weeks. Join those free events to learn about Kirby and meet the Kirby community.
The first Meetup takes place in Hamburg on Wednesday, November 29th from 18:00 (6pm) on. Showing interest is possible in the Kirby Discord. You find information on the Hamburg Meetup page
On Thursday, December 7th we have two events taking place: Munich and Düsseldorf. Both kick of at 18:00 (6pm). Sign up for Munich on their Meetup page. The event is titled “Kick-Off & The Future of Kirby 4”. For the Düsseldorf Meetup you need to also show interest on their Meetup page. In Düsseldorf the title of event #1 for this group is “Kick-Off & The Bright Future of Kirby 4”.
As much as I dislike Meetup and would love to also have other options, I reactivated my old Meetup account to be part in Düsseldorf. Will you also be there?
In short: