An event thoughtfully put together and with great attention to detail. Fantastic line up with a good mix of inspirational, highly specialised and unexpected talks.
Speaker Introduction – Linda Liukas

In 2022 Linda Liukas opened the first regular #btconf festival after the pandemic. What kind of speaker would you imagine to be a perfect fit for opening an event? And even more: opening an event after a long, forced break during which we were not able to run events?
Exactly: you need a positive human being, full of positive energy and drive to set people into the right mood again and make them excited about what’s coming. Linda Liukas is exactly this. A friendly, positive and charismatic person working on great things. Next to being an author, she is working on a playground that teaches children programming without a screen or computer. She writes:
Playgrounds play a huge role as public spaces. Many of the skills we need in life like self-direction, creativity, and teamwork come from a playground. I’m so thrilled to start a new project with @helsinki to imagine what a computer playground might look like. What if you could learn about how computers work by climbing and crawling? What if the basics of computational thinking could be explored on a trampoline? What if a playground could make technology more approachable, playful and familiar?
You see what I mean? A perfect fit for beyond tellerrand and we are very happy to have Linda back at our stage at the upcoming Berlin conference on November 7th and 8th. Are you joining us? Great! See you there.