“Ink” with Vic Lee and Rob Draper
We have got two wonderful guests. Namely these are Rob Draper and Vic Lee. Below, you'll find a description of their topic for this day.
The Corona Diary
Vic will be talking about his experience of lockdown. Going from looking forward to new mural projects, to nothing, almost overnight. Realising commissioned work would be dryer than a desert in Summer, he picked up his pens and began new personal projects, from ‘tattooing’ his downstairs lavatory, to insanely intricate pen illustrations to a 6 month illustrated journal, the Corona Diary 2020. Which gained huge momentum on social media and is currently being printed as a collectors edition book, with pre orders of over 1200 in a month from across the world. Vic will talk about self motivation and disturbing the way we think to look beyond the here and now for fresh opportunities.
About Vic Lee

Vic Lee is an artist and illustrator from London Town. A former graphic designer of 16 years, Vic changed paths and began illustrating again some 10 years ago. His reputation as a storyteller and typographer quickly grew and he has been commissioned by some of the worlds biggest brands, companies and agencies to create one off murals, limited edition pieces and art collaborations on packaging. His work is unique as he combines elaborate patterns, traditional ornamentation and flamboyant type with detailed illustration and imagination.
Vic’s vast client list includes Nike, Mercedes, Jaguar Land Rover, The Tate, M&S, Ubisoft and Virgin Atlantic to name just a fraction.
Keep On
Rob is going to tell you how he got here – how did he end up doing this and why does he draw on things? It's a peculiar story that he wouldn’t believe unless it had happened to him. After unexpected redundancy he felt he was at a junction – retrain and leave behind a 20+ year design career or go it alone, not turn anything down, try new things and see what happens. That approach left him working in a high security prison and spending his spare time obsessively drawing on coffee cups. Art and creativity can be an incredible tool for mindset and motivation and he will hopefully manage to show how at times of need, including (obviously) during a global pandemic it has been the thing that takes him forward …
About Rob Draper

Rob is an artist and designer based in the UK who specialises in hand lettering and creativity. Rob has worked with a range of worldwide clients including The Golden Globes, Levi’s, Samsung, Gap, Nike, Penguin Random House, Bartle Bogle & Hegarty, Pentagram, Harper & Collins, WWF & The Washington Post.
He has had work featured in worldwide press from IdN International Designers Network, Design Taxi and numerous lettering/design/creativity publications to The Daily Mail and now also travels to speak on his ‘journey’ and how an unexpected series of events created the role he is in today.
Register for this Event
All tickets are sold on a pay-what-you-want basis with a minimum price of €10 incl. VAT and booking fees. Don't get us wrong: €10 is absolutely fine to cover the base cost, but if you want to support me and beyond tellerrand, anything extra is pure 🥰 – thank you!
If you can't afford the ticket, please ping me and we are going to find a solution here …
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