A New Photo Gallery

Since a longer time already I want to get away from using Flickr. I already cancelled my pro subscription and am planning to use my own website to publish albums.

Luckily I know people like Bastian Allgeier, the person behind Kirby (a good friend I love to spend time with also!), the CMS I love and use for all my sites. So also here at beyondtellerrand.com. Without him, I have no idea when – if ever – I would have created a gallery to use for myself on my own website.

But well, as I am fortunate enough to have him to help me, he sent me a note, that the first version of a photo gallery is finished.

A screenshot of the new gallery home page created by Bastian Allgeier
The first version of our new gallery created by Bastian Allgeier – thank you!

I started uploading the portraits by Norman Posselt from Düsseldorf and also from Berlin, plus the lovely black and white set of Berlin 2019 by Florian Ziegler.

My job now is to create one set, that I update regularly, with photos from all the years at beyond tellerrand, to have a good overview of what beyond tellerrand looks like. I am not 100% sure, if I will do one set only or one per event with photos from various photographers … what is your thought on this?