Marc and the beyond tellerrand team put so much love into this event, and it really shows. The venue is awesome, the production quality is amazing and the talks are fantastic. I came away feeling so inspired.
Accessibility Club Conference Berlin 2018
Back in 2016 Joschi Kuphal and Stefan Judis organised the first Berlin edition of the a11y club in Berlin. Since then every edition of beyond tellerrand in Berlin had an a11y club as part of the whole experience. Last January, during the first beyond tellerrand in Munich, Joschi also managed to organise an a11y club and successfully held #7 as part of the Side Events in Munich.

Accessibility, for me, is always a very important and exciting topic to be covered at every beyond tellerrand in a way. I am absolutely happy and delighted, that Joschi and Stefan have chosen my Berlin edition to run their first conference edition of this format as part of the Side Events.
What Is Happening During This Day?
Four speakers entering the stage so far, but more to be announced. One of the speakers also is part of beyond tellerrand. These four people are:

But as mentioned above, that is not all, because you can be part as well …
Be Part and Get Involved
The Accessibility Club Conference encourages you to get involved. Follow this Call for Papers and send your proposal for a 15–20 minute presentation. It does not matter if you are a pro speaker or new to speaking: you have the chance to be part. Send your details until July 15th, but don’t include any personal details or profile URLs in your proposal, as they plan the selection process to be completely anonymous.
Tickets are € 80 (including 19% German VAT) for the conference day. With this, coffee, tea, softdrinks and some small snacks throughout the day are included. Lunch i not included, but there will be an extended lunch break, which allows you to get a snack somewhere around. Many options are in walking distance.
Next to the regular tickets Joschi and Stefan offer diversity supporter tickets for € 120 – or more if you feel you want to support this with a bit more money. Each supporter ticket will unlock an additional scholarship/diversity ticket for someone else.
What Are the Diversity/Scholarship Tickets About?
Surely Joschi and Stefan want the event to be as accessible and welcoming as possible — for everyone. Hence the ticket price of just €80. Additionally, they are giving out free scholarship/diversity tickets and strongly encourage applicants from underrepresented groups in tech to apply. This includes – but is by far not limited to – women-identifying persons, people of color, LGBTQIA people, people with physical and mental disabilities, people facing economic and/or political hardships. To apply for a scholarship/diversity ticket, please send a brief informal email to and let them know why you want to be part of the show.
More Information and Updates
For more information, like where it happens, and to keep yourself up to date, visit the website of the Accessibility Club Conference.
See you there!