Hello 2024

I have never been someone starting the new year with new years resolutions, nor do I make big plans and overcommit at the beginning of a new year. Even less do I like to look back at the old year. It’s past. It was ok, but I can’t change anything that happened and like to focus on whats coming.

In terms of beyond tellerrand those are the few things I like to focus on for 2024:

  • Make the two events in Düsseldorf and Berlin two great and enjoyable events for everyone involved and sell out
  • Run 4 hybrid Stay Curious events
  • Create/Re-use more content for multiple channels of beyond tellerrand
  • Change the job board to make it usable for free for freelancers to show their availability
  • Start a “membership/patron” program

And a few smaller bits, I want to achieve. And I already fear I have overcommitted.

Last but not least I want to wish all of you out there a wonderful 2024! I am already excited and am looking forward to see you at beyond tellerrand or any other event we might have the chance to hang out.