Marc, and the beyond tellerrand team, have created a community that is nothing short of familial, and an event as immediately welcoming as it is immeasurably inspiring.
3 more scholarship tickets for Berlin 2016
One hour ago I sent out the latest beyond tellerrand newsletter in which I pointed to 3 more scholarship tickets that are available for Berlin 2016. In total we only have got a handful of tickets left for this event anyways and gave away a lot of student tickets already. This time Google is supporting 6 more tickets, we give to people who can’t afford a ticket or student ticket to the event at all.
What do you have to do to get a ticket?
Not much really. You only have to write a bit about you and your background, so that we understand, why you should get the ticket. So, who are you? What are you doing? Why do you think a scholarship ticket is something that you want/need? And what do you think you get out of the event when attending?
Answering the questions only takes a few seconds. The form is open until Friday 29th of September. Then we’ll have a look and choose three out of all applicants right away and notify them on the following Monday.