When my friends and colleagues ask: ‘Which event or conference should I make sure to go to this year?’ I answer: ‘Let me tell you about beyond tellerrand’.
Speaker Introduction – Amber Case

When Amber Case gave her talk titled “We Are All Cyborgs Now” at TED, which must have been around 2010, it was the first time I got notice of Amber’s work. I follow her work ever since and also am always looking forward to any of her new books.
In that talk in 2010, Amber already recognised how mobile phones, which back then turned more and more into computers with the move towards smart phones, are influencing our life massively. She said, that technology started to evolve us and we were on the way turning into button-clicking and screen-staring versions of homo sapiens. I wonder if she knew how right she was and even more is today.
In 2016 Amber has written a book with the title “Calm Technology: Principles and Patterns for Non-Intrusive Design” (Affiliate Link), which I can only recommend to read. The book offers many useful insights in how technology – which certainly won’t go away anymore – can be included in our life and become a part of it instead of distract us from it.

In 2024 she founded the “Calm Technology Institute” which is “[…]dedicated to redefining human-technology interaction by promoting design principles that enhance human life without causing stress or distraction.” Exciting to follow it and see where this adventure is leading to.
Last but not least I want to mention her latest publication, coming in April 2025 with the title “A Kids Book About Technology” (Affiliate Link). This book certainly is not just for children as reflecting on our relationships with technology is surely something most of us “grown ups” should also do.+
I am absolutely stoked that after all those years Amber found the time and joins us for the Düsseldorf 2025 festival. Make sure to now miss out and join us for two inspiring days.
beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf 2025 is taking place on May 5 and 6 with workshops and Side Events on 4th and 7th.