beyond tellerrand is not your ordinary tech conference. Marc has created something really special, and everyone should get a chance to experience this event!
Speaker Introduction – Léonie Watson

When Léonie has been invited to beyond tellerrand the last time, it turned out in the last minute, that she wasn’t able to come in the end. She gave a brilliant remote talk, but as we all know: remote is not the same as being at an event. Therefore we are more than happy that Léonie Watson is back at beyond tellerrand.
Léonie is one of those people of the web, who seems to be omnipresent. If I look back at my time since I went freelance in 1999 and at the sources I read and people I followed, she clearly was always amongst those people and on a list of articles I wanted to read. She is on the Board of Directors of the W3C and co-Chair of the W3C Web Applications Working Group. With her work at TetraLogical, being a Director, she and the team of TetraLogical are helping organisations to meet their accessibility goals. And next to all this, she also knows a thing or two about events, co-organising the Inclusive Design 24 (#id24) conference for example.
As if all this is not enough already, she attends and is speaking a countless events during a year on which she is giving talks about web standards, inclusive design and/or accessibility.
We are absolutely delighted, that Léonie Watson joins us for our 2025 edition in Düsseldorf and if you get the chance to chat to her, don’t miss it. ;)
beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf 2025 is taking place on May 5 and 6 and you can learn more about this, if you hit the link in our bio.
beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf 2025 is taking place on May 5 and 6 with workshops and Side Events on 4th and 7th.