Marc, and the beyond tellerrand team, have created a community that is nothing short of familial, and an event as immediately welcoming as it is immeasurably inspiring.
Coverage for Berlin 2016
Exactly one week ago while writing these first lines, I kicked off beyond tellerrand in Berlin. This has been the third edition in Berlin and I was hoping to being able to follow up on what I started the two years before. Some of you know the fear which grows before such an event, but as it turned out in the end, everybody had a great time and enjoyed edition three in Berlin. And hell, I did as well!
With this post, I want to collect everything about the event that was written and also all the coverage like photos, videos, slides, transcriptions and so forth. I want to have all this in one place for you. If you have written anything about the event or made sketchnotes, took photos or anything like this, please let me know and I am happy to add this to this post. Also this is a living document, which means, that I want to update this post as long as needed to collect everything for you. So keep an eye on it an come back from time to time.

A Few Facts – btconf in Numbers
Before I list all the coverage, I want to give you a few fact of such an event. As usual we were using Confwall again during the event and Confwall archived 2317 tweets during conference day one and two – not including the tweets on the days after the event.
We drank 256 litres (you see the number, right?) of coffee, about 226 litres of water and 72 litres of other soft drinks like coke, lemonade and so on. In total we enjoyed 549 bottles of beer, where a lot of it was paid by Accenture for, not including the beer during the Microsoft and Shopify Lunch-Time Session. Furthermore you ate 200 pretzels during the Shopify Lunch-Time Session and round about 130 curry wurst, mini burgers and wraps during Microsoft’s Lunch-Time Session. On day two, Host Europe took care of the dessert and threw in some vey tasty ice cream. And what should I say: Berlin attendees have been ice cream monsters and 1417 scoops of ice cream went out.

17 wonderful volunteers from 4 countries helped onsite with setup, registration, exhibition and literally everything that happens in the background while I take care of the theatre – THANK YOU ALL. Attendees came from all around the world again. I counted 23 countries, including: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA, and Vietnam.
This years prices given out by some of our lovely partners alone were worth getting a ticket. We had a range of books given out by Project-A, a Pebble Watch was given out to the attendees answering a question by Zalando, an iPad Mini and a lovely backpack by SiteGround who weren’t part onsite, but with us from far away, an iPad pro including an Apple Pencil was handed over to someone by Automattic and an original, refurbished Polaroid including paper by Pusher who had a lovely way of drawing the winner using the phones of the attendees. Visiting the booths of the partner usually is always worth a visit, as they have really nice gifts with them like power packs for your phones, lovely designed t-shirts, sunglasses, pop sockets, books, phone holders for your car an so on …

Patrik and Luc from Wifi Jack (aka etherTec) took great care of the wifi again. On day one we already had 515 different clients connected to the event wifi, where 67% had been Apple devices. In total about 144 GB have been wasted during the two conference days. And if you look closely, you can see exactly why the wifi sometimes performs great and sometimes could do better. If I see 2,4 GB been used for Windows updates for example, I can just shake my head. Nearly 22 GB, and with this on third place, have been use for social networks. Take a look at the graphic below and get a glimpse on how the delegates used the event wifi.

I know about eight people who took photos during the event. Martin Kraft, Martin Perlbach, Andreas Dantz, Fabian Tempel, Patrick Westerhoff Marcel Böttcher, Joschi Kuphal and Norman Posselt (letterpress workshop only). Not all of them have published their shots yet, but as soon as they do, I’ll list them below. Did you take any photos and/or know of someone who did during beyond tellerrand in Berlin, then please let me know
- Joschi Kuphal did a marathon this year and helped and attended the IndieWebCamp (< photos!), he co-organised and attended the Accessibility Club (< more photos) and of course he also was part of beyond tellerrand and shot a range of photos there as well. Thanks Joschi!
- Martin Perlbach was part of the Berlin edition again and shot some fantastic photos, not only showing what’s going on at the stage, but also next to it.
- I can’t count how many times Fabian Tempel has been part of beyond tellerrand, but fact is, he often returns with a fab set of photos.
- Being a volunteer many times, Martin Kraft now is responsible that beyond tellerrand always at least hast one batch of photos to remember the event ;)
- Norman Posselt was kind enough to shoot photos of the letterpress workshop, where all attendees had a fabulous day.
- Andreas Dantz published his set of photos on Flickr. A great mix of stage, exhibition and things behind the scenes. Thanks Andreas!
Blog Posts
Blog posts by attendees, partners and speakers are essential for an event like beyond tellerrand. Not only does it provide valuable feedback, but it is a great way of spreading the word about this event. This in the end helps to keep an event without a huge budget for advertising alive. Therefore thanks a lot to everybody who makes the effort and sits down to write a blog post with their impression and/or summarisation. Below you’ll find everything I collected and got notice of so far.
- Stefan Judis of Contentful has written a nice blog post about his impressions of this year’s Berlin edition. Close to the end he says “Developers, designers, artists and data scientists — all in one room!” and this makes me really happy. Why? Because one of my aims always has been to provide a great mix of topics to a mixed group of people and I am happy that it seems to work out.
- Oliver Schöndorfer created sketchnotes of nearly every talk and has written a blog post in German about his impressions during beyond tellerrand and explains, why this event is the right event for him.
- Harry Roberts, one of the speakers, expressed his emotion for beyond tellerrand in a short post on Facebook. Thanks Harry.
- I mentioned the event marathon that Joschi Kuphal did before, during and after btconf. In a post on Facebook, he gives you a view on his busy days around beyond tellerrand Berlin.
- Pier2Port are showing their highlights of Berlin’s edition in 2016 in their blog post (German) including a lovely video of Tobi Lessnow freaking out as usual. They end with the sentence ”Like last year, we leave beyond tellerrand highly motivated and full of new ideas! Keep on doing this, Marc Thiele” – I will as posts like yours are the fuel, driving my engines. Thanks a lot.
- Jessy Kösterke of t3n was there (at least I have seen her on day one) and has summed up her favourite talks for days one on the t3n Website.
- I supported the idea of the Rails Girls and gave them a couple of free tickets to provide them to people, who otherwise might not have been part of this event. Thanks for your engagement and I am happy that your delegates liked it, have written a blog post about it and have been part of ”[…] this unique event which gave us a lot to think about.”
- Project-A was a partner of beyond tellerrand for the second time. With this, of course, they are huge part of the story and part of the reason why this event takes place. In a short post on Medium, they list their favourite talks of this event and state, that they ”have been consistently impressed with the conference.” – thanks.
- Otso Lahti has created a lovely and very nice to read blog post about his experience travelling to and attending the event. It has a very personal touch and is spiced up with a lot of photos. Wonderful to read this as an event organiser.
- Matthias Ott has already written a very nice blog post about the last Düsseldorf edition. And again he sat down and has written about his impressions and his three favourite talks of the Berlin edition. Thanks a lot Matthias, for doing this.
- From what I can read in Claudia’s German blog post, she was there for the first time, as she did not know about Tobi for example. Claudia Augdoppler has written a very complete post with a little paragraph about every talk and I am happy, that she liked the little event.
- Katharina Hagemann has written a very nice blog post in German, summing up the core messages for her. Pretty much to the point in my opinion. Thanks for the blog post, Katharina.
- It is lovely to see people writing something about your event. But if it is like the post by Sebastian Greger, then it is extraordinary. Not only has he written a very detailed summary, but has many very lovely words about the event. Thanks a lot Sebastian. I’m delighted and happy that you like the show.
- I met Harry of in at Typo Berlin this year again (2017 that is) and we had a nice conversation about how he brings his whole ageny to beyond tellerrand and events like this. He pointed me to a post he has written after the last beyond tellerrand in Berlin, which I added now. I also asked him, if he'd write something about the benefits of bringing a whole tream to an event. Looking forward to thisl.
As said earlier: whenever I get notice of a new blog post, I will list it right here.
As you might know, the event pages of past events automatically turn into an archive with all videos and coverage I have and get. Same for beyond tellerrand in Berlin. Next to the Vimeo links and links to slides (if provided) and songs of Baldower (if produced), you’ll find transcriptions now as well, which we are able to do for all videos this year, thanks to our partner Google. I am planning to also link to the YouTube videos at this position either.
All 14 talks were online on Vimeo right when the event ended (even during the event day one was published already). Meanwhile all videos are also available on YouTube and will be transcribed as well. Here is what’s online so far. The link on talk titles leading to the beyond tellerrand archive with all coverage links as well.
- Paul Bakaus with Progressive Web AMPs
- Ariel Cotton with The World is Your Interface
- Jeff Greenspan with Be Stubborn. Be Naive.
- Danny Gregory with Everyday Matters
- Erika Hall with Beyond Measure
- Charlotte Jackson with From Pages to Patterns
- Sacha Judd with How the tech sector could move in One Direction
- Tim Kadlec with Unseen
- Una Kravets with The Joy of Optimizing
- Mike Kus with Be the Black Sheep
- Mike Monteiro with Let Us Now Praise Ordinary People
- Heydon Pickering with Writing Less Damn Code
- Frank Rausch with Typography is Code
- Harry Roberts with Refactoring CSS Without Losing Your Mind
Most of the speakers say, that their slides without the talk often don’t make real sense to be published. I agree, but of course as far as slides are provided, I am going to list them on the archive pages. But don’t forget, that all slides are included in the video of the talk using a split screen technology as well. Makes a lot of sense in my opinion anyways.
Next to the videos of the talks, some of the attendees are also filming for their vlog or blog or video blog … ;)
- Marcel Wichmann runs the German YouTube channel rrradiovision. After beyond tellerrand in Berlin, he published a video about how the talk of Danny Gregory motivated him to start drawing again … every day.
- Maximilian Hennebach also publishes a YouTube channel. The name of his channel with about 17k follower is Maex & sketchappTV and during beyond tellerrand he recorded two wrap-up videos. One summarises his impressions of day one and the other one – you guess right – describes his experience of day two.
Thanks to both of them for their work on these videos.
This year in Berlin we also had so called Lunch-Time session by Microsoft and Shopify, two of our long time partners who support our journey for quite a while. Both these sessions have been filmed and Microsoft has put their video online already:
- The Progress of Web Apps with Ali Alabbas.
T-Shirts and Event-Theme

Every event, I try to get someone to create a nice design for the t-shirts. Sometimes it is only the design for the shirts and sometimes it fits so well, that we create a whole range of things to build the visual theme for the event. This time a long-time friend, speaker and attendee did some very lovely characters in her special way. Eva-Lotta Lamm created a design for the t-shirts and also provided me with a PSD with thousands (it felt like that many) of lovely characters in different poses. I was able to use these characters on all the conference materials which gave the event a nice, warm look and feel. Within the next few days, the rest of the shirts is available in our shop.
Thanks once more, Eva-Lotta!
Opening Titles
This time Martin Fütterer was responsible for the opening titles of Berlin. He and his mates created a beautiful piece of visual, using all hand made paper artwork that was filmed and afterwards enriched with type and some highlight color. Music for the titles was made by my good friend Andi Toma of Mouse on Mars. Thanks again to everybody involved
Update 20 November 2016: added blog post by Matthias Ott
Update 22 November 2016: added photos by Andreas Dantz
Update 30 November 2016: added blog post by Claudia Augdoppler
Update 21 December 2016: added Lunch-Time Session video of Microsoft, added new blog post by OYGO
Update 23 December 2016: added Blog post by Sebastian Greger
Update 27 May 2017: added a blog post by Harry Keller