“Kirby 3.5 Release” with Bastian Allgeier

Like the show before – and actually all shows in December – this show has a different format. As you also recognise it is not scheduled in the usual two weeks timeframe, but in between two shows. This is one of a few shows that are planned, that are not only about a person, but also about a product/tool/service. And I am honoured and happy to being able to start with a product I love and use for a long time (nope, I am not getting paid here). My guest, Bastian, and I share a lot of things and over the last ten or more years we have become close friends. We talk often and even if his product is a different one as mine, there are many similarities in how our customers are, see us and see our connection to the product.

Well, obviously I am talking about Kirby, the file-based CMS Bastian Allgeier invented and which I often rave about. Today, on December 15th, Kirby 3.5 is going to be released and I take this as a chance to ask Bastian to walk us through the latest features, the core idea behind Kirby and maybe a little more … tune in, it will be exciting!

(This is a free show)

Kirby 3.5

Instead of inviting two people to a certain theme, I invited my friend Bastian Allgeier to come to the Stay Curious Café on the day of releasing Kirby 3.5. We are going to chat about Kirby's latest features. How has Kirby and the team behind it done during Covid-times so far? What is planned for the future? How comes, that the Kirby community on Discord and formerly on Slack is so active and what does this mean for the team and the development of Kirby? If you don't have or bring questions, I certainly will!

So, what is it really? Well, we are going to meet to chat about things and we are not able to meet personally. Instead we invite you to join Bastian and me for a live show about all the above and more and a chat with us. We're looking forward to meeting you there.

About Bastian Allgeier

Bastian Allgeier

Bastian studied communication design in Mannheim and has been working as a freelancer between design and programming for over 17 years. Next to (still!) being known for creating Zootool around 2008 he is known for developing the content management system Kirby. It wasn't always the case, that this was his sole project, but started as a side project while still working on customer projects. But what once started as a hobby or sideproject has now grown into a full-time job with a hand full of employees, selling worldwide and used by companies such as Daimler AG, Mozilla, the New York Times, many well-known names in the Web industry and universities such as Stanford or Harvard, just to mention a few.

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This is a free event, thanks for registering. However, if you consider donating anything to support me and beyond tellerrand, that is pure 🥰 – thank you! (Enter amount in the field)

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