Marc just knows how to rock this stage! He is definitely a rockstar — a very lovable rockstar.
#axbt – The One-Day #btconf together with Awork
Most of you know that running events is my passion. I truly love the excitement of inviting people to my shows. Speakers, attendees, partners … the mix of people is what makes an event interesting. But also the curation of topics and talks for the program of the event is something I really do like a lot.
Therefore I am always sceptical when someone asks for a cooperation to run an event and you rarely see me agreeing and running an event with another main partner or co-host. It must be a perfect fit and the people must be nice people who have the same idea of organising and running an event in a friendly environment.
When Tobias asked me a while ago, if I am interested in running something in Hamburg with them, I wasn’t sure. So many people trust my event, my decisions and the people I invite to come and speak. During the last 10 years beyond tellerrand gained a good reputation and surely that can be easily ruined.
Well, when I met Tobias, Julia and the other people from awork that fear was gone. They are lovely people and are interested in running a fantastic event for the people coming.
We had many conversation about a possible theme for this event since usually “beyond tellerrand”, the name of my events, always also is my kind of theme. For this one we came up with the idea of having people to speak about the Joy of Work, which means the things they enjoy in their work, how they make other people enjoy their work, the purpose of what we do, the joy and learnings side projects, how vulnerability is key to a joyful work experience, happiness in design and much much more.

All of this was planned with a really short amount of time and pretty close to beyond tellerrand in Düsseldorf. The idea of that was, that the OMR Festival is taking place on 17th and 18th and we thought people could easily add another day to connect one more day of inspiration and motivation to what they have experienced at OMR. And we were lucky in finding a perfect, cozy venue for a #btconf event with the Mojo Club.
The seven people we invited are a brilliant line-up and fit wonderfully for all the topics mentioned above and I am really looking forward to running this show in less than ten days together with awork!
See you there …