beyond tellerrand is a wonderfully intimate event for such an ambitious tech conference. It's a festival of style and personality — and warm community, too.
A Book Exchange at beyond tellerrand in Düsseldorf
Every event I try to come up with a few, sometimes very small and sometimes bigger changes. The smaller things are often things that people don’t event recognise, but maybe feel in the overall atmosphere and outcome (or because they haven’t been at any btconf before, of course). The bigger changes sometimes are things that I want to speak or write about. Often these things happen, because one of the former attendees comes up with an idea and I simply like it an want to try out, if that could work and makes sense.

What I am writing about now is not really a change, but an addition or try to make/create something useful. Frederic Hemberger came up with the idea to provide some space at the event in order to offer books, he has no use for anymore. I like the idea of these open place to exchange books at and directly thought about the books I have thrown away especially last year, when cleaning my shelves. So we’ll definitely find a spot to make this happen. Somehow.
How does it work?
I like the idea of not throwing away things and maybe the books you don’t need anymore are very help- or useful for someone else. Or you are able to maybe find the one or other book for your need there. So, if you want to get rid of books about CSS, PHP, design, UX, type, typography or whatever touches the interest of people at beyond tellerrand, please bring them with you instead of throwing them away. We’ll reserve a table or shelf for it, where you can place or exchange it.
The way it works is super simple: you take a book, that you like to read. That’s it. You don’t have to bring one in exchange, but obviously it is nice, if you do.
OR: you bring a book and place it at the table or shelf. That’s it.
We’ll also provide an option to donate a small amount of money for a book you take. Maybe we can pay someone’s travel (or parts of it) next year or do anything else for that helps someone? Let’s see! Thanks for your support.