beyond tellerrand is not your ordinary tech conference. Marc has created something really special, and everyone should get a chance to experience this event!
Düsseldorf 2020 Postponed
First of all, thanks for your patience and waiting for beyond tellerrand until today. Your emails and messages so far have been heart warming and wonderful. I am always a positive person trying to make something out of the worst situation even, but this time even I feel absolutely helpless. Creating a time and place to bring people together to get/be positively inspired, motivated and happy is always our highest aim. But all this is not about a single person organising or the people coming to this event.
Right up until last week, there was hope to run the tenth edition of beyond tellerrand in Düsseldorf, hoping that the Corona Virus situation might get better. But sometimes things turn out not to be as you wish them to be and the worldwide situation now is worse than expected. And the
We could – in theory – run the event, however, I have a personal responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of 500+ people being at the event. Even if/when Germany opens up again, I do not know if other countries will also open up, (another concern - speakers and attendees!) and be able to travel again.
I am very sad to have to postpone Dusseldorf 2020, but my main responsibility is for the safety and health of people at my event, and do not want attendees be in danger of catching or passing on the virus.
Right now today, I cannot give you clear information of when and how the tenth event will take place. Currently I am thinking about end of the year, but please stay up to date with my newsletter, on Slack, here on this website and/or social media. Of course you can also write me an email at any time. As soon as I have a plan and more certainty about how the whole situation is looking later this year, I am going to get back to you.
Are Online Events an Alternative?
People did ask, if running beyond tellerrand as online event would be an alternative. Well, this whole event is not about money primarily for me. It is about the humans coming to this event. About meeting in real life, getting together, making new friends and creating two days where we try to leave our phones in the pockets and the laptops closed. Therefore an online version of the show is no alternative to beyond tellerrand. Maybe it is nice to create something in addition, but as a single person running all this, I first need to clarify the actual situation, before making new plans.
What Does This Mean for the 2020 Events?
In short this means:
- Düsseldorf 2020 is postponed (not cancelled – info asap!).
- Berlin 2020 is on hold – date still valid for now – but I may need to update this as well.
- Munich 2020 is in November and I need to wait and see how things are evolving, before announcing anything. Ticket sale won’t start as planned on April 1st, but when I have more certainty about how this year looks.
Please know, I will be in touch with everybody who bought a ticket for either Düsseldorf or Berlin within this week. Please understand, that this will take a little time to contact everyone (speakers, partners, attendees, volunteers, hotel, venue etc. etc.) as this is a hugely time consuming situation to deal with by myself.
My team and I are looking forward to getting back together with the partners and of course you, that have created an amazing vibe and uplifting experience over the past 10 years. Let’s stay positive and look into the future together.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay curious!