The magic of beyond tellerrand is the people - when so many creative and passionate individuals come together, incredible things happen. I walked away feeling inspired, motivated, and grateful to have joined such a wonderful community.
No Ticket Sales At The Moment
Because I get a couple of emails and messages with this question, I wanted to quickly mention, that right now all ticket sales are on hold/pause.
At this moment, I can’t tell, when or if I will be able to run any of the planned events in 2020. Nobody knows when we are ready to move on. And even though I want to stay positive and cross my fingers that the second half of the year is going to be better, I don’t want to blindly sell tickets, if I then need to postpone or cancel events in the end. But here are a few details about the three planned cities …
The tenth Düsseldorf event was planned to take place end of April. It is postponed and was close to selling out. I am planning to hold it later this year and have dates blocked at the venue, but don’t want to announce those yet, to not confuse people, if I have to move it to a later point once more. As soon as the Corona situation clears up, I gonna announce the new dates. But roughly schedule end of October/beginning November into your calendar for now.
You could say that Berlin is planned in August and still far away, but who knows, if we will be able to really kick off the seventh Berlin edition? Therefore also here, I stopped selling tickets with a half-sold event and am waiting for any news about the situation.
The event is schedule for November and even thought this is quite far aways, it is not really, if you consider the time I need to sell the tickets as a single person plus organise everything, which with a lot of cases only makes sense when I have a 100% confirmed date. As soon as I know we are able to move on, I will start selling tickets. This means: the planned start of ticket sales tomorrow is postponed to a later date (which is as soon as things get better with the Virus).
In case that leaves any questions for the future events and ticket sales, please get in touch and I am happy to answer your questions.
Stay safe and well!