beyond tellerrand was a fun experience filled with creativity and uniqueness, among the best conferences I ever attended.
Stay Curious – the beyond tellerrand Café
For a longer time, we are all more or less at home now. No in-person events allowed or not responsible to run, to not risk anyones health. But as I miss this and you so much, I thought how I’d be able to create an online space that is similar to the space and atmosphere beyond tellerrand is known for. It is difficult, though. And there are countless online conferences and workshops on the market already, plus the enormous amount of new online conferences popping up is crazy. Prices vary from €20 to €1500, depending on length, content, speakers and much more.
So, I sat down and made up my mind about the following questions:
- How can I create an online event that is not an alternative and not in competition to the in-person beyond tellerrand events?
- How do I start something that is more like an addition to the in-person show – even if we run in-person shows again?
I had the following idea and hope you’ll like it and drop in:
The Virtual “Café Tellerrand”
There are so many stories of people being affected by the Corona virus in some way. Even though conversations are often sad, many of us are trying to remain positive and look to a better future. To that end, I am working on an online show called “Stay Curious”.
A said above, my idea is not to run an event online to replace beyond tellerrand, but rather an event that adds to what we already do. After all, who knows what, when and how we’ll be able to run live events again.
If you’ve attended beyond tellerrand before, you might know, I am a big fan of long breaks. I love hanging out with you in the exhibition area and hallway, chatting, sharing and learning. So, I thought that it would be nice to try and recreate this somehow online. I want to create a place where we can meet in a cosy and friendly atmosphere — like we would in a bar or café.
Take a seat
I – no we, as I have lovely people lined up joining us – invite you to join the virtual beyond tellerrand Café. Each edition will have two guests, a certain theme, and you! Unlike the in-person edition of beyond tellerrand, we’ll offer you the ability to ask questions to and have conversations with our guests “on stage” and amongst each other.
So, join us for short presentations followed by conversations with my guests. Ask your question and get answers live and directly. Also: We won’t be recording the sessions — it’s all about being there in the moment.
Sounds good? Seats at the Café will be available for €10 to cover base cost, but if you'd like to support me and beyond tellerrand even further, consider buying me a coffee ;) If you have a ticket for any of the postponed 2020 in-person shows, please drop me an email and you'll get a free ticket for any of the upcoming online events.
Everyone is welcome. I’ll be there a coffee or drink in hand — see you there?
All dates and topics can be found at this website soon, but we’ll start September 1st with Rob Draper and Vic Lee and the theme ”Ink”.
Update 2 April 2021
Thanks for the lovely feedback after each show. I am super happy that you like what we are doing here. Mainly your feedback is, that the live aspect, not recording the shows, helps to really get the feeling that those events are live. And knowing that they won’t be recorded helps being there fully focused and 100%.
The other idea to encourage people to ask questions, as they know their questions won’t be in the interwebs forever, works out as well as I got told.
Soon we will be at Stay Curious no. 20 and I am glad that this at least is one way to stay in touch with a few of you and not be forgotten.