beyond tellerrand is a rare, human event, organised by a rare human. It is a meaningful oasis in a platonic desert of professional attention seeking.
Wrap-Up and Coverage for Düsseldorf 2023
This is the wrap-up blog post that is going to grow over the next couple of days. I start it today, April 21st, but expect it to be edited and updated as soon as I get fresh content and coverage. First videos are up in our YouTube channel and in the Event Archive. More content to follow.
I myself can only repeat myself and say what I keep saying for the two days: I had such a good time and the audience was wonderful, plus each of the speakers gave their very best to inspire, motivate and educate. Thank you so much and I can’t wait to work on Berlin’s edition now.
Here is what I got already and if you found or have produced anything (photos, blog posts, other coverage), please let me know and I’ll add it.
Blog Posts & Other Coverage
First I want to say a big, big thank you to everybody sits down and creates coverage after an event. For some it is a good way to decompress, but it surely is work and time that you add to it to let other people know about what you have experienced. Thank you so much, especially as it is hear-warming to read all the positive things you write and say.
- Tollwerk wrote a little diary (in German) on their journey from leaving Nuremberg to leaving Düsseldorf after the event. So lovely and thanks for the lovely memories.
- Sophie Brunner from Tollwerk has also written a nice blog post in German which is titled “Make It Your Own”. It is special as it does not only capture a few of her favourite talks and a description of these, but also her view as someone who is not too comfortable with so many people at one place, being shy and introverted. She states that her experience was shaped by the content, “[…] but also by the people I was surrounded by during these 3 days (including warm-up). Their great sense of humour, their openness and warmth, their enthusiasm and expertise”. Wonderful read. Thanks, Sophie for your kind and warm words!
- A person who often attended, but this time for the first time after the pandemic kicked off, is the lovely Tom Arnold. He has written about his experience and states that he is happy that “[…]”that" Btconf spirit is still going strong […]” – me too, Tom. Thanks for being there and thanks for the nice write-up!
- Another nice and very complete write-up with short paragraphs about all talks, can be found on the The Sanity Resort. He states, that not one talks started on time, but that is not true. It only was nearly none talk. ;) Jokes aside: we have many breaks and the schedule is just a rough outline. The two days should be relaxed and easy going and cutting breaks short, because talks are longer than planned or smaller technical issues cause a delay would not help here. But I keep and eye on the end, as I know people do have to catch trains and flights. But your suggestion is right anyways: stay until Wednesday ;)
- Alexandre Plennevaux is someone who encouraged many people to come to beyond tellerrand already. It is always great to have him back and even after so many years, he leaves writing something wonderful like this: “ week I attended Beyond Tellerrand, one of the most inspirational and thought-provoking events linking design, art and technology at an affordable price. It left me feeling inspired and energised about my work, design and development practice.”. Thanks so much, Alexandre! Read his full write-up here
- I am honoured, that sometimes even the speakers sit down and write their thoughts and feedback of the event down, which is much appreciated. Sophie Koonin attended and spoke for the first time and did an amazing job opening the 2023 edition in Düsseldorf. Make sure to read the full article here, but I am totally happy about what Sophie has written, which is something like this: ”From the first conversation with Marc I knew this was something special: he and the beyond tellerrand team put so much love into this event, and it really shows.” … ☺️ 🙏
- Flo Kosiol is part of a lovely bunch of people who call their journey to beyond tellerrand “Klassenfahrt” (he explains what it means in his article also. He has not been at the event for several years. Covid was in the way in many ways. Now he was back and it is a tough job for me/us to meet expectations of people who come back so often. I am happy we managed to please Flo and am already looking forward to welcome him back ;) Read his write up here, please.
- Next to written coverage or photos, I love audio and video coverage (if you like to do something at or around beyond tellerrand – please let me know). Constantin and Moritz have covered the event in their German podcast “Wo wir sind ist vorne” and were full of lovely words about the event. They also wrap up a few of the talks and share their experience of everything “around” the talks. Thanks a lot for this! Full episode here.
- Gina from Werkraum have written a blog article titled “beyond tellerrand – Inspiration pur”. They emphasise how welcome they have felt and show in a short summary, that they have understood the idea of why beyond tellerrand is held as it is. Thanks that you have been part of this!
- Another speaker has written about his experience at beyond tellerrand. I am so thankful for that and it means the world, that Hugh Elliott too the time to do so. Read his full write-up and about his experience to be a speaker at beyond tellerrand here.
Those are all blog posts I have notice of up to now. As said: let me know about other things, if you find/created them.
Videos and Transcriptions
Nearly all videos I am ok to publish are up and ready for you to watch them again or share them with your friends and colleagues. We also worked on transcripts with the lovely Tina Pham and they have been added below as well.
- Emily Anhalt with The 7 Traits of an Emotionally Fit Leader
- Michelle Barker with Modern CSS Layout is Awesome!
- Hugh Elliott with Side Quests: Satisfy Your Distracted Self
- Cassie Evans with Animating the Impossible
- Scott Kellum with Mapping Typography
- Mario Klingemann with ET TU, AI?
- Eike König with Past, Present, Future
- Sophie Koonin with This Website Is under Construction – a Love Letter to the Personal Website
- Tobias Kunisch with Typography for Everyone
- Gemma O’Brien with How to be an Ultra Artist
- Thomas Thwaites with Goats and cars: beyond failure
- Aoi Yamaguchi with 瞑想と書:Meditation with Calligraphy
Update 08 May 2023: added 3 blog posts, one podcast episode and all published talks
Update 16 May 2023: added a new blog post by Werkraum
Update 07 June 2023: added all transcripts
Update 15 August 2023: rest of what was missing, blog post by Hugh Elliott
To be added:
- photos
- t-shirts and other assets
- opening titles
- music in the breaks
- live captioning
videos and transcriptions