#btconf Düsseldorf, Germany 19 - 21 May 2014

You are at the page that lists the heart of beyond tellerrand: the speakers. They are sharing their knowledge and experience with you in fantastic talks. And we want to say thank you to all of them! Be sure to visit their blogs or websites, and also follow them on Twitter for updates.

Bastian Allgeier

Bastian Allgeier

Bastian is the guy behind Zootool and the creator of a little, but wonderful, file-based CMS called Kirby (yes, that is what we use). He has a master's degree in design but works as a web developer for almost a decade. He lingers in the twilight zone between code and pixels and believes that every designer should learn about development and every developer should learn about design.

Jon Burgerman

Jon Burgerman

Jon Burgerman (b. 1979, UK) is a purveyor of doodles. He is often credited and referenced as the leading figure in the popular 'Doodle' art style.

His work oscillates somewhere between fine art, urban art and pop-culture, using dry humour to reference and question his contemporary milieu. His is a pervasive and instantly recognisable aesthetic that exists across a multitude of forms including canvases, large scale murals (indoor and outside), sculpture, toys, apparel, design, print and people (as tattoos and temporary drawings).

He likes pizza, watching dogs in the park (from a safe distance), playing board games and trying to live happily.

Maciej Cegłowski

Maciej Cegłowski

Maciej Ceglowski is the founder and sole employee of Pinboard, a personal web archive and bookmarking site with an emphasis on user privacy. He's been an outspoken advocate of small pay-for-service websites as an alternative to the hype and impermanance of Silicon Valley startup culture.

Before founding Pinboard in 2009, he worked as an engineer at a variety of tech companies, most notably Yahoo. He lives and works in San Francisco.

Robin Christopherson

Robin Christopherson

After Cambridge University, Robin worked as an IT instructor for the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) and became a founding member of AbilityNet in 1998. Now globally acclaimed as leading experts in the field, AbilityNet specialises in accessibility auditing and disabled user testing, as well as helping clients design attractive websites and apps that are both accessible and easy to use by all.

Despite being blind, Robin uses technology very effectively using speech output to access computers, the internet, his iPhone and many other technologies to assist him in his work. Current projects include raising awareness through blogging and a busy public speaking schedule in the UK, Europe and the US.

Ola Gasidlo

Ola Gasidlo

Ola Gasidlo has been working as a professional JavaScript front-end developer for 7 years now and joined Hoodie by the end of 2013. She organises OpenTechSchool Dortmund (@ots_do) and gives workshops for kids and grown-ups there, is co-organiser of reject.js – and: she’s the mother of a wonderful daughter. Beside, she loves to ride the trails.

Stephen Hay

Stephen Hay

Stephen Hay is a designer and consultant focusing on multi-platform design. He is the author of Responsive Design Workflow (New Riders, 2013). He speaks frequently at industry events about design and CSS, and contributes to various industry publications. Despite spending an increasing amount of time teaching, writing, and speaking, Stephen still spends a good portion of his time working with clients large and small through his consultancy, Zero Interface.

Jessica Hische

Jessica Hische

Jessica Hische is a letterer and illustrator best known for her personal projects Daily Drop Cap and the Should I Work for Free? flowchart as well as her work for clients like Wes Anderson, Penguin Books, and Google. She’s been named one of Print Magazine’s New Visual Artists, an ADC Young Gun, and one of Forbes 30 under 30 in Art and Design two years in a row. She is currently serving on the Type Directors Club board of directors, has traveled the world speaking about lettering and illustration, and has probably consumed enough coffee to power a small nation.

Dan Mall

Dan Mall

Dan Mall is an art director, designer, and advisor from Philadelphia. He's an enthralled husband and dad, Founder & Design Director at SuperFriendly, co-founder of Typedia, The Businessology Show, and No Chains. Dan was formerly Design Director at Big Spaceship, Interactive Director at Happy Cog, a technical editor for A List Apart, and singer/keyboard player for contemporary-Christian band Four24. Dan writes about design and other issues on Twitter and on his site, danielmall.com.

Ethan Marcotte

Ethan Marcotte

Ethan Marcotte is an independent designer/developer who is passionate about beautiful design, elegant code, and the intersection of the two. Over the years his clientele has included New York Magazine, the Sundance Film Festival, The Boston Globe, and the W3C. Ethan coined the term “responsive web design” to describe a new way of designing for the ever-changing Web and, if given the chance, will natter on excitedly about it—he even went so far as to write a book on the topic.

Ethan lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and would like to be an unstoppable robot ninja when he grows up. Beep.

Karen McGrane

Karen McGrane

If the internet is more awesome than it was in 1995, Karen would like to claim a very tiny piece of the credit. For nearly 20 years Karen has helped businesses create better digital products through the power of user experience design and content strategy. She is Managing Partner at Bond Art + Science, a UX consultancy she founded in 2006, and formerly VP and National Lead for User Experience at Razorfish. She's led projects for dozens of publishing clients, including The New York Times, Condé Nast, The Atlantic, and Hearst. Karen teaches Design Management in the MFA in Interaction Design program at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, which educates students on how to run successful projects, teams, and businesses. Her book, Content Strategy for Mobile, was published in 2012 by A Book Apart.

Jonathan Snook

Jonathan Snook

Jonathan writes about tips, tricks, and bookmarks on his blog at Snook.ca. He has also written for A List Apart, 24ways, and .net magazine, and has co-authored two books, The Art and Science of CSS and Accelerated DOM Scripting. He has also authored and received world-wide acclaim for the self-published book, Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS, sharing his experience and best practices on CSS architecture. When not writing books and speaking at conferences, Snook works at Shopify.

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