#btconf Düsseldorf, Germany 08 - 09 Nov 2021

Titus Dittmann

Titus Dittmann is considered the “father of the German skateboard scene” and is a multi-award-winning entrepreneur and founder from Münster. Today he is primarily active as a social entrepreneur and “instigator” with his organisation skate-aid. His motto is: “Das Herz muss brennen!” (which translates to “The heart has to be on fire!”). If you don’t know him or his work, feel free to check his biography.

Mut ist, wenn man es trotzdem macht

Mut ist, wenn man es trotzdem macht – das hat Titus Dittmann immer wieder unter Beweis gestellt. Ein Vortrag, der viele Mut machende Impulse und Learnings bietet. Titus zeigt, was es heißt, sein Ding zu machen, sich nicht reinreden zu lassen, aber auch die Konsequenzen zu tragen, wenn’s mal schiefgeht. Steh immer einmal öfter auf als du hingefallen bist!

Das gilt nicht nur beim Skateboarden, sondern auch im Leben, Business oder Beruf. Dabei helfen Skateboarder-Tugenden wie Initiative, Biss, Willensstärke und Ausdauer. Aber auch Selbstbestimmung, Begeisterung und intrinsische Motivation, denn schließlich muss das Herz für eine Sache brennen. Titus sagt: „Im Job, den du liebst, wirst du nie mehr arbeiten müssen.

Courage is if you do it anyways – and Titus Dittmann has proven this many times. A talk that offers many encouraging impulses and learnings. Titus shows what it means to do your thing, not to let yourself be talked into it, but also to bear the consequences if things go wrong. Always get up one time more than you fell!

This applies not only to skateboarding, but also in life, business or work. Virtues such as initiative, bite, willpower and endurance help a lot. But also self-determination, enthusiasm and intrinsic motivation, because after all the heart has to be on fire for something. Titus says: “In the job you love, you will never have to work again.”

(This talk and the conversation, like none of the others, is held in German, but with a live text-translation for our English speaking friends.)
