#btconf Düsseldorf, Germany 09 - 11 Dec 2013

Eva-Lotta Lamm

Eva-Lotta is a User Experience Designer and Illustrator. She grew up in Germany, worked in Paris for a few years and is now based in London, UK where she works as an Interaction Designer at Google.

Besides her daytime mission of making the web a more understandable, usable and delightful place, she regularly takes sketchnotes at all sorts of talks and conferences and has self-published her notes in several books.

Eva-Lotta also teaches sketching and is interested in exploring the area of Visual Improvisation - looking at the parallels between sketching and improvisation to explore how some of the principles from her regular theater improvisation practice can be used to inspire visual work.

Kickstarting your Sketching and Visual Thinking skills

This is going to be a practical and hands-on session.

Eva-Lotta will show you some basic techniques to get sketching your ideas. You'll get some hands-on practice on how to sketch simple objects, people and faces.

Eva-Lotta will also share her thoughts on practicing and playing to develop your ideas and skills.

If you think you are rubbish at sketching and want to get a fun kick-start to getting into using pen and paper, this session will be just right for you.

Get your pens ready!
