#btconf Düsseldorf, Germany 19 - 21 Nov 2012

Eva-Lotta Lamm

Eva-Lotta is a Designer and Illustrator based in London, UK where she currently works as an interaction designer at Google.

Besides her daytime mission of making the web a more understandable, usable and delightful place, she regularly takes sketchnotes at all sorts of talks and conferences and recently self-published her second book.

Eva-Lotta also teaches sketching is interested in exploring the area of Visual Improvisation – looking at the parallels between sketching and improvisation to explore how some of the principles from her regular theater improvisation practice can be used to inspire visual work.

Visual improvisation – Using playfulness to spark ideas

As designers we are challenged to produce ideas and visual concepts all the time, often under big time pressure. But ideas rarely come ‘on demand’ exactly at the time when they are needed. Building up a little arsenal of techniques and a big storage of material to draw from can help to access your creativity more easily.

This session will look at how we can keep ourselves on our creative toes by using playfulness and principles borrowed from improvisation.
Eva-Lotta will introduce you to the principles she learnt from her regular theater improvisation practice and show how they relate to the process of ideation and design. She’ll also bring lots of examples – both from her own and other people’s work – to illustrate her points.

Warning: This session will not further your technical knowledge or present you with a finished recipe for doing things, but will hopefully leave you inspired to inject a little extra playfulness into your day – before, during and after work.
